Stephen Kettle

At last I am back to the computer and a posting. Arriving in Sussex was dramatic; we had a very good drive (1200 miles) to the French northern coast with great weather. As soon as we sailed into English waters it started to rain and then thunder and then fork lightening.
Look what has arrived at the Joze Show over the weekend, a few works are arriving and it is very exciting to see the beginnings of this exhibition on September 6th. This is the work of Stephen Kettle and it sits very well in this landscape; he is entirely self taught and works with slate. He stacks piece by tiny piece to create this amazing work. He believes that stacked slate is a work of art in the truest sense, creation of order out of chaos. The sphere of slate is called The Beginning.

Sianna, sits serenely by the lake, a few yards away a small oval of grey shale reveals a parallel corporeal shape also meticulously fashioned in slate. I can not do any of this justice with the camera; she is quite small and viewed from a distance one is not quite sure if what you are seeing can be true. She is perfectly formed and gives every impression of being alive.