My Dyson Bliss vase is on display at Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery. It looks like it is under a piece of Morecroft and above some Clarice Cliff,; couldn’t be better really. The label reads like this:
This vase has been made by hand using rolled coils from red earthenware clay by the potter. This method uses a small banding wheel and a cardboard profile; the only other tools used are kidney shaped pieces of steel and rubber for smoothing the shape.
The decoration has been applied in the slipware tradition onto the unfired damp pot. The coloured painting medium is made by adding metal oxides and ceramic stains to white Cornish slaked down clay and is called slip, hence the name “slipware”. Most of the design is painted but the potter has used a trailer to outline and a sharp point to incise and enhance the pattern.
The vase has been fired twice. It took 14 days to make and is one of several pots with Dyson Vacuum cleaners on made by Kitty Shepherd.