Top shot is a big lily pond leaf, very tricky to get through the kiln with out a crack; two others were too badly damaged to do anything with. I like them very much and with the smaller green one it looks very bright and colourful. There will be more work on leaves, next up is the Ginkgo, I have been practicing already on this shape and it is less lightly to crack.
The square plate is on white earthenware, stamped RECESSION PROOF on the back and the last Ray dish has a pattern based on fishnet stockings; you need to click her bigger to see this I think. It took ages to do so I should try Sofia’s Dad method see here, it might speed things up a bit. (You should note here that it is a complete coincidence that my name is in this link and that I pass an uncomfortably accurate resemblance to that smug ginger cat.) But still I love the fishnet stocking look here and would like to incorporate it into another dish soon but transposing the black for white and the white for black.
Obviously I was wearing my FN stockings while I did this fish detail because they are just so right for the workshop environment, I should really have got a photo of that, oh well you will just have to take my word for it.