I am so busy in the workshop at the moment that I have hardly time to post this, but I feel I must put something up. This is a very tiny saucer for an olive oil shop in Granada to have a look at.
I met Kristine Todd at her shop “La Alacena De Andalucia” on San Jerónimo in the city. It is a fabulous little emporium of fine oils and honey and this is where this saucer might end up. At the moment her honey is displayed on a tiny saucer with a small wooden spoon and many of her customers want to buy the saucer too. She has asked me to come up with something similar and this is it (not similar at all, but the shape and size is right). I imagine the design to come in all colours of the Ginkgo autumn spectrum from green through to orange, Grandada has them planted all over the city and right now they are dropping their leaves and they are so beautiful. You have to imagine the honey pot sitting on the plate, the stems are obscured and the fluffy fronds of the leaves frill out around the edges.
So Kristine if you can see this I will be in at the weekend! Shown here in the raw state the coaster waits to be fired twice and glazed and by magic this will all happen by Saturday, electric supply dependent!
The kiln is on tonight so there will be photographs tomorrow of the fruits there of. The working day is so long at the moment, I am in the workshop form 9.00 am to 8.30 tonight, but at least it is warm which is more than can be said for the rest of the house which is like a fridge. We had snow on Monday see Lala’s post here her picks are great, and we have more tomorrow apparently.