I know what you’re thinking; you can see kiln shelves in this shot. Actually you can only see the one kiln shelf, and this is the one and only one. The other shelf is a miss matched oblong shelf from some very long forgotten oblong kiln that is in kiln heaven.
Anyway, it is looking pretty exciting from where I am standing and a bit like the deep end at the Sea Life Center. All the colours will change as per usual and it will be at least 3 days before they are transformed back into rock from whence they came. So, if you’re listening DEBSA (the all Spanish electric company for Andalucia) keep your switches on, I am not interested in any of your power cuts this weekend. They are not romantic and they are not amusing. Please note, there is more to go into this kiln but I just couldn’t bear you to see the shelf arrangements after this point, it becomes ludicrous, and would completely undermine my credibility as a potter.
Hello to Cinderelish and welcome, another new watcher from afar.