The beginning of a lot of colouring in. Domestic bliss is a state not often reached but I think I have attainted it. I am reunited with my Dyson from England and it is true, absence does make the heart grow even fonder. My Dyson has been in storage along with its last dust pickings, hermetically sealed for a year with my books and papers, old portfolios and photographs. It wasn’t the first item that sprung to mind to rescue from the underground vault, I think by choice I would rather have had a box of my books or even some clothes. But the audacious Dyson got the ticket to ride out. My dyson transported me straight back to my old carpets as soon as it switched on so it is not a magic carpet one needs, rather the magic vacuum, but really it has been showing off here on the hard floors of this Spanish house. I am the ENVY of the entire village who have never seen such a contraption before, if I could vacuum that bit of street outside my front door with it, I would. Viva!