How To Frame A Tile

A few weeks ago I wrote on one of Linda Starr’s posts about her new tiles and tried to explain how to make a wooden tile frame. In words alone this was a bit of a challenge so here are some explanatory photographs to illustrate the way I do it.

The most challenging part of the process is to source framers moulding that is completely plain on the reverse, i.e. without makers marks or stamps or indeed the residue of front of the mould staining. The tile is placed into a mitered picture frame backwards so that the rebate is the platform the tile sits on rather than the lip that would normally hold a picture and glass in position. If I get the wood cut just right I can just push into place the tile and it stays firm, if not I use epoxy cement in each corner. The best part of this frame is that the reverse of the tile can be viewed.

Clear as mud now, isn’t it?