Coral Ray

Top picture is a new large coral ray dish with layers of white, coral and black slip. This is a special order commissioned for a wedding anniversary and the clue is in the word coral.
The coral ray along (and the pair of jars) sparked off the colour swatch project photographed above because I wasn’t actually that sure how to make a convincing coral slip. With a load of new stains from CTM supplies I have been able to make a wonderful spectrum of colours and I haven’t finished yet!
I had a very female moment in the workshop today as I attempted to saw up batons and fix nails along its length to hang the little tiles on. I couldn’t locate the hammer (one’s husband had it at the office) so I actually resorted to found objects ( I can’t believe I did this) to substitute the hammer. If I say the words shoe and heal…does that conjure up the right image? Well it didn’t work, so don’t try it at home.